Help Center
Visiting our locations
What time do you take vendor deliveries?
7:30AM - 3:30PM
What are your business hours?
Our hours are located in our location pages or visible with a Google or Bing search. Click Read More for a link to our hours.
Is curbside or dock pickup available?
Yes! Request dock pickup or select It at checkout.
Selling and Ship-to Locations
Do you sell outside of the United States?
We currently sell to and ship to businesses within the United States, including Hawaii and Alaska.
Can you ship-to a different address after the sale?
We will only ship-to the original location specified upon the sale.
Do you sell to homeowners or DIY?
We sell to HVAC students, technicians, contractors, and businesses with HVAC staff.
Is there FREE freight, FREE shipping, or FREE delivery?
Free Delivery *
We offer FREE delivery within our local trading areas of Upstate, Western, and Southertier of New York State.
All other deliveries outside of New York State or our trading area are freight add, unless otherwise mentioned.
Account Information
Can I view the serial numbers of equipment purchased?
Yes. Serial numbers are visible when clicking on the Order Number when viewing Account Invoices.
Do you sell to homeowners or DIY?
We sell to HVAC students, technicians, contractors, and businesses with HVAC staff.
Product Questions
Are these refillable? As in I can use the pH Power Pellets?
This unit is refillable. It's recommended to use the calcium carbonate refill bag.
Do you stock an R22 refrigerant replacement?
Yes. We stock the Arkema, refrigerant R427A-25 R22 retrofit replacement.
Need manual how to install it
Here is a link to the CVMINI install manual.
what CFM and HP does the Rheem Model# 801TA100521MSA Rheem 100MBH 80% 1-Stage CTECM NG UF / HZ Furnace - 5ton - 21w - Classic Plus
comes with
1950 CFM max per the specification sheets. The 5 in the part number designates 5 tons of cooling capable. 3/4HP motor.
Are Gree flex heat pumps variable speed ?
Yes, the outdoor unit has a variable speed compressor (inverter).
Does the indoor Gree flexx 36hp230v12ah have nitrogen prefilled or R410a pre filled. the manual says its r410a but tech says otherwise
The indoor FLEXX units are pre-filled with R410A refrigerant as noted on the unit's label.
Is there a 5 year extended warranty available on Weatherking equipment?
As of January 1, 2025, registered Weatherking equipment supports 10 year parts warranty. (for qualified equipment).
Can I private label the REME HALO or REME LED products?
Yes. A minimum buy is required each time a private label purchase is made.
Who is the manufacturer of Weatherking?
Weatherking is a product of and manufactured by Rheem Manufacturing.
Can a Rheem heat pump outdoor unit be warranty registered on its own without a corresponding Rheem indoor coil or air handler?
Rheem equipment are registered at
Rheem outdoor heat pumps may only be registered when paired with a cooresponding Rheem coil or air handler.